Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kucinich for President 2008

Source Kucinich 2008 web-site:
I want to inspire America to take a new path, a different direction. I envision an America which has the capacity to reconnect with the heart of the world; an America which proceeds in the world optimistically and courageously. An America which understands that the world is interdependent, that it is inter-connected, and that what we do today impacts future generations. I want to break the shackles of fear which have deprived our citizens of rights. We need to change the way this country values humanity, so that instead of fear and lies, we can live our lives based on principles of peace and hope. We need to regain the trust of the American people and we need to have a government which trusts the American people. It's time for America to resume its glorious journey; time to reject shrinking jobs and wages, disappearing savings and rights; time to reject the detour towards fear and greed. It's time to look out upon the world for friends, not enemies; time to counter the control of corporations over our politics, our economy, our resources, and mass media. It's time for those who have much to help those who have little, by maintaining a progressive tax structure. It's time to tell the world that we wish to be their partner in peace, not their leader in war. Most of all, it is time for America to again be the land where dreams come true, because the government is on the side of its people.

Check out his You Tube Channel

Monday, February 19, 2007

All in One Crazy Saturday Night

Kitty stand-off with the Marvelous Milky.

That damn Dragon. You will not be the end of me.

Burro rolling makes for hours of inebriated fun. Thanks, Benji.

Friday, February 16, 2007

DMT '07

Digital Mapping Techniques Workshop is a place for people who do what I do to get together one a year and share ideas and current projects. I owe my current position and knowledge to the help that many of the folks in the group have extended me in the past. That's why I am so excited to be hosting this International group here in my hometown. The planning has been quite an adventure so far, and I'm sure it's just the beginning.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

3rd Place at Georgia State



Crazy Shriners Fountain

We had a great time in Atlanta. The Highland Inn is a great old hotel built in 1927. It was a hip place in the Virginia Highland neighborhood, great for walking. On Saturday, the competition was at this crazy Shriners Mecca. Does anyone know what a Potentate is?? The yo-yo-ers and jugglers were amazing as usual. Kev won 3rd place in the competition in the advanced division. He was very pleased, since the comp was pretty stiff this year. For the first time, there was a girl in the contest, who really won over the judges and took 1st place in the freestyle competition.

Herb Set-up begins

A few years ago we came up with the engineering masterpiece for the lighting system. Kev's grandpa Cecil's walking stick lends itself to the design. Also his mom's antique Ice Cream Chairs, with the heart design are integral. We made a real effort to clean the area with bleach since the unexplainable problems I had last year.
I plan on starting the seeding tonight once all of the seed starting mix has been moistened sufficiently.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Lindsey and Sydney

I got to visit with one of my best friends in the world yesterday. For those of you who don't know Lindsey, she is the kindest and most uplifting person I know. Lindsey lives in Indiana with her husband and two kids. We had a great visit and I only wish they lived closer.
Love Ya Lindz!!