Brightening up the trim paint. I think there must be 10 miles of vanilla colored trim in our little house. We'll get there...and it will be worth it!!
More trim. Me painting the masterbath entrance.
My Joey working hard to get that damn linoleum out. 1 carpet, 2 vinyl, 3/4 particle board all came out of this room.
A little water damage in the corner. Nothing too serious, we fixed it.
See! All better. We just removed the floor.
Oh, and there was a little rot back there. This is the shared wall with the bathroom. See the tub?
We fixed that too.
Sub-floor is all fixed.
That damn cement backerboard.
It called for like 58 screws in every 3x5 sheet of hardibacker. We reluctantly followed the instructions.
And so it begins...the tile job. Home Depot really screwed us with the lot #'s on the first day. But, we pulled some tile up and trudged on.
*Update* I did get my money back for the 1 case of 30 that were the wrong lot #, color, and size. Yep, size!. They sold us a box of 1ft square tile that was 11 7/8. Oh, you better believe I was pissed!! Especially, since I didn't catch the error until a few rows had been laid down. But, the HD redeemed itself this weekend by handing me $130 cash, because the tile went on clearance, 5 days after we bought $600 bucks worth.